Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year and may it prove to be more prosperous than you expect. When our business or jobs are in question, we often panic and lose our way. Don't let that happen to you. Instead remind yourself of the goals you set and how much you have already accomplished. Learn to adjust to the changing times, watch expenses, run leaner than usual and don't give up. Have a brainstorming session on ways to grow business. Go find where your customers are hanging out. Now is the time to be proactive, efficient and productive. Be careful how much news you watch or read and make your own agenda to keep moving forward. There are many ways to market your business that are cost effective. Grow referrals, find industry partners and work your plan. Remember the reasons you do what you do. Don't allow outside influences to take away the things you have worked hard for. We often help companies to gain a more positive prospective and find ways to grow their markets. If we can be of assistance please call us at Open Lines Training 208-850-6526 or e-mail