Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Re-Energize Your Business

There are a lot of ways to add energy to your business. First and foremost, be prepared for Change. The economy fluxuates, employees come and go, products and services are being updated or outdated and change is required for business to grow. The next thing on my list is Attitude, it affects everything in business. Ever notice how one negative person in your company can drag down everyone if you let them? Raise your awareness of the attitude atmosphere, is it healthy and fresh or polluted with negative vibes? Next, freshen up your company's Processes, maybe the old way of doing things is not the best way anymore. Can you be more efficient? Is there a different way to do things that makes more sense? Are you getting ideas from people who you share common goals with? Are you letting people or things stay in place longer than you should? Are you and your employees utilizing your strengths and doing things that you enjoy? Have you crossed trained to fill in if a position becomes vacant? Have you reviewed job descriptions lately? Now, let's add Enthusiasm to the list, do you still have it or has it been put on a shelf to gather dust with some of those great ideas you use to believe in? Becoming cynical is the number one enemy in business. It takes the life out of the dream. Gather up all the great stuff you believed in when you first started working and throw it back out there. Get up in the morning with full intentions of making things happen. Negative thoughts and discouraging emotions will prevent success. So raise your awareness, embrace change, stay positive and enthusastic and review your processes. Use these tools to re-energize the workplace and rock your world!