Friday, October 21, 2011

If You Build It, They Will Come

We’ve all experienced this dilemma. You have a new prospect for your product or service, and you’ve had an initial meeting. Hopefully you learned something about your prospect’s problem and the perceived consequences to him or her if the problem isn’t solved. You believe you can solve it.

Now what do you do? You don’t want to annoy them by calling everyday, but if you don’t stay in contact on some regular basis, you don’t stand a chance of earning their business. So, what do you do?

First of all, don’t give up. Most people do after reaching out to their prospect only one to three times. The fact is, 50-80% of all new business is developed after the fifth, sixth or seventh contact. The key is to make the right kinds of contact with your prospect that focus on building your relationship with them.

Think of ways you can provide value to your potential client. Have you read an article that is related to their problem? Share it. Maybe you know of another business that needs your prospect’s product or service. Introduce them. Know of a networking event that would expose them to business opportunities? Invite them.

Focusing on the relationship with your prospect will position you as their business partner and a perfect fit when they need a solution that you can provide.

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