Friday, October 14, 2011

Rest, Recharge, Revitalize!

I am so fortunate to be able to spend my days doing work that doesn't feel like work. Connecting with and helping other people is as natural to me as breathing, and I couldn't survive without it. I'm grateful for this passion I was given, and for the wonderful people that come into my life on a daily basis.

I am guilty, however...sometimes those closest to me...those who most feel the repercussions when I get so deep into a project that I forget to eat...have to take me by the shoulders and lovingly remind me to "stop now" and take a break already. Reluctantly at first, I heed the message. Then my logic of course kicks in and I remember that I'm really not going to give my best to anyone else unless I give to myself first. Ah, thank goodness it was a wonderfully productive week and it's Friday!

Seize the weekend, my colleagues! Take care of you so you're ready for another round come Monday. Whatever you find restful, do it. Whatever recharges your batteries, plug into it. Whatever revitalizes your passion for your work, reconnect with it!

You bring the spark to what you do like no other person in the world. Stay fired up!

Photo by Bill Longshaw:

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