Saturday, May 19, 2012

What's Your "Why"?

Have you stopped to think lately why you’re in the business you’re in?  What is the pull about what you do that keeps you going when times are tough?

Having a strong “why” is the very foundation of success in business and in life.  It gives us focus, conviction, strength and courage to overcome objections, take action and go the distance.  The “why” makes the hard things easier and brings a sense of joy and accomplishment to make the victories sweeter.

So, what’s your “why”?  It needs to be more than just earning a paycheck and paying the bills.  What does success look like to you?  How does success enrich your life, and empower you to share with the people you love or the causes close to your heart?   What’s your BIG DREAM?  Write it down.

Being clear on your “why” will simplify goal-setting and priorities.  Shift your focus to the activities that are directly connected to your picture of a successful life!

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