Friday, June 8, 2012

Just Pick 3

Are your calendar and to-do lists overflowing to the point of overwhelm?  It's easy to convince ourselves that all the things we think we have to do, we have to do right now.  Although multi-tasking is truly necessary sometimes, in reality the things that have the biggest impact on our goals take some concentrated focus to the exclusion of all other distractions.

What are the tasks that are directly connected to reaching your goals?  Pick 3 a day that have the greatest opportunity to impact your bottom line and focus intently on doing those 3 things first.  Block time, turn off your phone and email, stay away from Facebook until you can cross those items off your list.

Get clear on what your priorities really are.  Is it essential for you to get in front of prospects?  Block time to make appointments.  Are close-in opportunities hanging because you need to follow up with more information?  Do it.

You'll feel more productive and less overwhelmed when you deal with what's essential first.  You might even find that you can eliminate some items off your to-do list all together.

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