Friday, November 4, 2011

It Doesn't Have to Be So Hard

Simple business relationship as with CRM and E...Image via Wikipedia

I meet with clients all the time who are struggling with the very systems that are supposed to make their lives easier.  They've got CRM's, smartphones, processes, tracking mechanisms, calendars, reminders, you name it...and they still feel more overwhelmed and less organized than ever.  Technology is great, but technology overload can be paralyzing.  The best systems in the world won't work for you if you don't use them.

My suggestion is to stop and take a good objective look at two things:  1) what details are critical for you to manage in order to be productive in your business on a daily basis, and 2) how do you work best?  I'm a visual person, so I need to have my most important tasks and projects right in front of me when I'm working.  I use a combination of high tech and low tech solutions...writing down certain details cements them for me.  Some of my colleagues think it's funny when I break out my old-fashioned planner, but hey, it works for me.

As we all cram more and more into already packed schedules and sometimes cluttered minds, it's important to keep the things that can be simple...simple.

A great friend and mentor of mine shared this tidbit with me some time ago, and it pops up for me almost daily.  Maybe it will help you.  When you're responding to an ever-changing list of shifting priorities, details to be managed and other demands, evaluate them using this criteria:  What's ESSENTIAL?  What's EFFECTIVE?  What's ENOUGH?

Put your energy into what's essential and effective and enough to support your workstyle and business.
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