Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Top 5 Ways to Beat the Holiday Momentum Busters

Business of Software - Dharmesh Shah
Image by betsyweber via Flickr

Yes, Santa Claus is coming to town, but I highly doubt that his bag is full of new clients for us…no matter how good we’ve been.  Don’t be lulled into believing this is the time of year to slow down and kick back.  This is actually the perfect time to kick your business up a notch or two!

1. Close all the business you can before year-end.  What have you done to make a compelling case for your prospects to see the advantages of buying now?

2. Make sure the pipeline is full going into 2012.  Have you checked in with your existing clients to see how satisfied they are with your product or service?  If there was a problem, did you swiftly and courteously correct it?  Have you asked for referrals?

3. Take an objective look at your systems and processes.  Do they support your business-building efforts?   Are opportunities to provide value and say ‘thank you’ to your client base part of your process?

4. Check your attitude.   How do you respond when you get a ‘no’?  Are you focusing on the right stuff and truly hearing what your clients need?
5. Write down your goals and dreams for next year.  What do you need your business to look like in order to create the life you love?
Use the last few weeks of this year to your advantage, and start 2012 prepared for the best year ever!

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